Thursday, December 2, 2010

Journal #26: Snow

I used to love snow. It was pretty and white and fluffy and if there's a lot of it, you actually get to miss school. It was just swell. But now...snow and I are not friends. Now, I think snow is just cold and icky. Snow just means that it's too cold to rain. I still enjoy snow days, but all of a sudden I am very aware that those oh so glorious snow days mean we have to stay in school longer in the summer when the weather is at it's most wonderful.

When I small child, I used to get all geared up in my snow suit and hat and gloves and whatnot, and then would spend hours out in the snow. I used to build snow forts and snowmen and snow caves. Actually, I would pile a bunch of snow up in the middle of our yard and then dig a hole and hide in it. I was a pretty weird kid, obviously. I think I hid like that because my sister used to sit on me in the snow and force my face into it. So I have some bad memories associated with snow and I think that really taints my opinion and feelings about snow in general.

But I have to admit, snow really is pretty even if it just is frozen water particles. I really like that feeling that you get when you wake in the morning and see a really bright light coming through your window, which means it has snowed. And it's even better when there is a snow day and you get to sleep in as late as you want and then warm your warm and cozy pajamas. Despite my dislike of snow, the sleeping in and being lazy for a whole day is a rather nice part of the whole thing.

Still, snow is not my friend. I have pretty strong feelings against it. But I can tolerate it if I have to.

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