Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Journal #28: A Time That You Had To Convince Someone To Do Something That You Wanted Them To Do

There was this once time when I had to convince my friend to steal the flags from a car dealership. I'm honestly not sure why, though. The flags where falling off and they were all sparkle-y and stuff and if you're going to take something from a car dealership, you should probably go for something low key like the flags that annoy people by flapping in the wind. He really didn't want to steal the flags and kept going on and on about felonies and misdemeanors and I was very adamant that he just take the flags. We sat in that parking lot for a good half hour before the kid finally realized that I was not going to give up. And that's when he agreed to do the thing that I wanted him to do.

And I don't do anything half way. So there needed to be a get away car (with me as the driver, of course), gloves so that finger prints could not be identified, and I needed to hold his kid at FAKE gun point. To be clear, I did not actually hold this kid at gun point. I pointed my fingers at him very innocently until he got out of the drivers seat and walked towards the flag. Then I vacated the passenger seat and got into the drivers seat, revving the engine several times to make he sure knew this was the real deal.

At this point, I rolled the window and shouted "do it, do it, do it!" so that he would hurry up. So he grabbed those flags, ripped them down, and made a mad dash for the car. He got in, breathless, and held the flags up triumphantly, saying "that was awesome." I nodded, telling him that he should just always do what I tell him to and he'd been a lot better off.

Then I drove away from the crime scene, going a respectable speed limit as to not alert the police of our crime spree.

The End.

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