Monday, November 8, 2010

Journal #20: Self-Reflection

Hmm. Taking a break from society seems a little impossible. Society is kind of surrounding us...because we kind of are society. So unless you are planning an exorcism or are going to purposely get lost in the woods, you are going to have a problem with that whole "take a break from society" thing. Apart from mediation and intense thought, it is hard to have a serious self-reflection.

Self-reflection is still important, although I do not think you need to take a break from society to achieve this. Finding a quiet place doesn't mean that your taking a break from just means you have found a a peaceful and probably really relaxing place where you can use phrases "letting go" and "be one with nature" to describe your feelings of elation. Being secluded does not always mean that you're away from society, depending on the circumstances...even if you "get away from it all", you still have your own thoughts and emotions to deal with. So unless you manage to suppress your feelings (which is kind of unhealthy. by the way...), you will never truly achieve true peace. It is good to try and relax and calm down, but it is difficult to completely shut the rest of the world out. We are so impressionable that there is always something on our minds. At this very moment, I am trying to type this blog and I am distracted by the thoughts of other homework I have to do tonight, the sound of my parents talking and watching television in the background, and my feelings of extreme exhaustion. Also, I am pretty hungry. So even though I am really trying to focus on doing my blog post, the rest of the world, not to mention the rest of me, is calling for my attention.

So, to make myself happy, I think that I will just wrap this nice little blog post up and am off to eat some frozen blueberries from a plastic cup.

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