Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Journal #23: A Week Without...My Lifeline.

A week without technology. Okey dokey...are you serious? Like, is this legit? I believe we have had a conversation very similar to this one in the journal "My Favorite _____" (aka "My Favorite Thing). A week without technology would not end well for me. I actually have had to experience this before, while on a mission Kentucky. It was awful. When I finally got to check my email five days later, I had 237 emails, most of which were from Target and Mallorie Kay Lohman. I just do not do very well when I do not have my most favorite of things.

Television is not as important to me as my iPod and cell phone, even though I still enjoy it. Thursday nights are full up with The Big Bang Theory, 30 Rock, The Office, Outsourced, and Community, while Tuesday nights are dedicated to Glee and Sunday nights Desperate Housewives. However, there are have been many times that I have been unable to watch my favorite shows, and it does not bother me that much, because they are just television shows. There are other things that I can do other than watch television, like read or bake something or do a delightful little arts and crafts project.

Another form of technology that I would have to give up if I were to "unplug" my life would be my computer. Like my iPod and cell phone, it would be hard for me to give up my laptop, simply because I use it to procrastinate and spend time. For instance, before I remembered to finally finish this blogpost, I was creeping on facebook and checking my email and simply messing around before I decided that I should probably get this done.

To sum it up, I would be very lost without my technology. It is not like I have an unhealthy obsession...I was raised in this generation where instead of playing outside, people watch television and movies, and instead of having a baby sitters club, we get on facebook. That is just the way things are, whether people like it or not.

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