Sunday, November 21, 2010

Journal #24: Scaring the Bejeezus out of Me

There are several things in this world that simply scare the bejeezus out of me. Old people. Clowns. Spiders. Feet. Hangnails. And nothing scares the bejeezus out of me like a stupid Jack-In-The-Box.

Old people scare me simply because they make me sad. Whenever I go to a nursing home I'm torn between wanting to adopt the residents and wanting to run away from them and their wrinkly skin. But mostly, I want to run away. I find it unnatural for old people to be clustered together like that, even though a lot of them probably have no other place to go. Also, old people typically have cold hands (you know, with the poor circulation and whatnot) and their lips are so chapped that I want to pin them down and force some Carmex on them.

Clowns are another thing that terrify me. Why do those people feel the need to paint their faces (conveniently hiding their true identities), wear terribly mismatched clothes and gi-norm-o shoes, and try and make people laugh with incredibly stupid jokes that often make no sense at al? It honestly does not make sense to me why they would do that. I've seen an episode of Supernatural where this magic people dressed up as clowns, chose a child/family as their victim, and then creeped on said child until they were invited into their homes. And then, the clown impostor would EAT the parents. End of story, because I feel that it pretty self-explanatory.

And like most people, my mind plays tricks on me and things scare me even more. Like after I see a scary movie...I'm inconsolable. I do that weird running leap/jump onto my bed at night just in case someone is going to grab's a sickness. My mind also often freaks me out with imaginary noises, scenarios, and that awful "Oh my lord, there is someone watching me, I am legit gonna die right" feeling. Good stuff.


  1. You are very amusing and I really enjoyed reading your journal. Thank you for the entertainment of English 332 today!

  2. Well, you obviously have some strong feelings toward these apparently scary things. I did like how you gave some specific examples, and I also enjoyed giggling at your terror.
