Thursday, September 16, 2010

Journal #7: Superstitions

I am not a very superstitious person, but there are some superstitions that I kind of follow. For instance, I think that it is bad luck to break a mirror. Because if you look into a mirror and it breaks, you've obviously got some bad luck going on. If I were to break a mirror while looking into it, I would mostly like break down into tears. And when I was younger, my sister and I would hold our breath when we drove past a cemetery so that 'the ghosts wouldn't follow us home', and would do silly things like run away from black cats and make sure to not walk under any ladders. But that was when we were little, and we did not actually believe the superstitions- we were just messing around and having fun.

But there are not any superstitions that I really, truly believe in. For instance, I do not have any problems with spilling salt or being crossed by a black cat or walking under a later. I do not think that a person's good or bad luck can be decided by things like that, because I think that luck is simply random, and there is nothing you can really do to change it.

Even though I do not really believe in any superstitions, I know there are a lot of people who do. They might believe in superstitions for religious reasons or just because of stories they have heard, but I think people can believe in any kind of superstition they want- it does not matter to me, and it should not really matter to anyone else.

I am sure there is some old superstition that people believe but do not really know about or know where it came from, so I think that most people at least follow a superstition without even realizing it, not walking under a ladder. Because really, not walking under a ladder kind of just seems like it should be common sense.

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