Monday, September 20, 2010

Journal #8: Proofreading Video

I thought that the proofreading video was kind of funny but still a little weird. Although proofreading is really important when you are writing a paper, I think a lot of the stuff the comedian mentioned would not happen in most papers, especially for high school students. I am sure there are a lot of idiots that could make over the top, funny mistakes that the comedian mentioned in the video, but I really hope people that I know do not have that problem.

I know that the video was meant to be funny, but it was also very over the top, and I think that factor made it less funny and more annoying than it was meant to be. People who are in high school really should be able to write a half decent paper without the help of spell check. A lot of the time you may have spelling mistakes in the paper, but you should not be spelling so poorly that spell check cannot even distinguish that point that you are trying to get across.

Since the video was so over dramatic, I think the comedian failed to make it very funny. The whole idea seemed ridiculous because I seriously hope that no high school student, especially one in the honor's class, has that much of a problem with spelling and typing. Because I think that after years of sitting through English class, a student should have at least a little bit of common sense when it comes to writing a paper and proofreading.

Even though the mistakes in the video were over dramatic, proofreading is still really important to get rid of any little errors that spell check could have missed, like the difference between 'there' and 'their' and other things that can be overlooked by the computer and spell check. You should always look over your own paper, and you should also have at least one other person go over it as well.

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