Thursday, October 14, 2010

Journal #14: Declaration of Creeping

I'm a creep. I'll admit it right now- my friends and I are all creeps. We love creeping, especially on facebook. Because really, why else would we be on facebook so often? My bestfriend Mallorie Lohman and I are probably the biggest creeps of all. When we get together on facebook, there is no stopping us from being total creepers. Mallorie and I have a top list of people that we creep on. This list includes our friends, of course, as well as people we think are weird and people we don't like. We both creeped on our Farmington partners, too. Mallorie discovered that her partner is a very nice ginger who likes to play video games and build rockets, and I found out that my partner is an equally nice young lady you plays in band and has an older sister.

I know that everyone creeps- you can't even deny it. I'm a creep, and so are you. When you look at other people's facebook page, you're a creep. When you befriend random strangers in public, you're a creep. When you stalk someone, you're a creep that's looking at jail time and a restraining order. When you talk to strangers at the grocery store and start exchanging recipes, you're a creep. It may be a little harsh, but it's the true. Everyone creeps.'re a creep, but it's okay. You certainly are not alone. As I am typing this, I myself am creeping on Abby, reading something in her American Literature text book. It's what make the earth go round, honestly. Creeping is okay, as long as it is down properly. There are certain rules to follow:

1. If you creep on someone, don't tell them. Unless you're friends or if you want them to break out the pepper spray. Because even though they probably are creepers too, they'll feel threatened.
2. Keep the creeping to a minimum. You don't need to creep on someone every single day, because that is no longer creeping- it's stalking. And believe it or not, that's illegal.
3. If you find out something about someone while you're secretly creeping, you can't tell them about it. It's too weird. This happens to apply to my best friend Haley and a note she found on the floor of Mr. Bryan's room.


  1. You deserve a Pulitzer for this fabulous literary work!!! You will go down in history as the best writer ever!!!!

  2. Wonderful declaration!

    I'm intrigued by the secrecy aspect of creeping, especially rule #3. I think if I find out something my friend should know, I am obligated to tell him/her (might be just my logic, though).

  3. I don't know- the note Haley found was pretty creepy.
